our work

What we do


Our three pillars

1- Collection

We-Recycle collects from a network of public and private bins in the West (Black River) and the South (Savanne) and from specific collection points in Plaines Wilhems.

We collect from District Council eco-bins, gated residential communities, schools, recreational facilities and restaurants.
Plastics and beverage cans collected are sorted and stored at our storage facilities before being brought to recycling companies.
Click here to view our network of publicly accessible bins

2 - Education

Oui Recycle!, our signature learning workshop, has for objective to educate and motivate the community to change behaviour by helping them become active agents of change.

3. Advocacy


Collection Campaigns

We collect PET bottles and other recyclable plastics directly from the inhabitants in local communities to sensitise on the need to divert plastic waste from the Mare Chicose landfill.


Awareness Campaigns

We reach out to the local communities of Black River and Savanne to inform on the importance of sorting and recycling wastes.


Clean-up Campaigns

We carry out clean-ups in collaboration with a variety of stakeholders, to raise awareness on the issues linked to environmental pollution.

Annual Reports


Collaboration with academia

Following several successful events and learning workshops organised jointly, We-Recycle and Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd have engaged into a long-term partnership which will allow We-Recycle to regularly raise awareness with all students of Polytechnics Mauritius and Polytechnics Mauritius to send their students for volunteering activities with We-Recycle.

Collaboration with international organizations

In April 2019, We-Recycle helped organize the Plastic Tide Turners Challenge Badge Training of Trainers Workshop for UN-Environment. Scouts, Guides, Ministry of Education, Mauritius Institute of Education, NGOs and University students attended.The goal of the training was to educate and motivate youth to change behaviour and become active agents of change in their local

Ecovadis (Mauritius) Ltd

Collaboration with business

We-Recycle has signed a partnership with Ecovadis (Mauritius) Ltd for the delivery of learning workshops to corporates. Employees of Ecovadis (Mauritius) regularly volunteer with We-Recycle to deliver our educational workshops on plastic pollution to companies.

Awards & Recognitions

As founding members of the yesnosolutions.org website, We-Recycle together with Zethical Ltd and Mission Verte won a Certificate of Excellence in THE SABRE AWARDS AFRICA 2022 for Eastern Africa.